I went to these exhibitions today, both held at different sites of a gallery called Blain|Southern (that line between the name is, apparently, essential) near Oxford Circus.
It's funny, walking around that area, looking at the very very expensive garments in the windows dressed with such good taste, the men rushing by in grey suits, the impeccably ornamented woman, and you're wearing cut-off denim shorts you got on ebay for 0.99p.
but that's far from the point of this post.
first i saw the drawings, in the little gallery next to Berkley Square, where you have to ring the bell to get in. I was afraid I'd come to the wrong address and cursed google maps...but then i noticed the tiny plaque above the door bell.
the very first drawing you see was done by a very young Lucian.
...it's followed by ink line drawings of boys and very detailed town & landscapes that i really liked.
particularly interesting to see his progression, and how he still retained this sensibility for high detail and revealing portraiture throughout.
I then walked to the Dering St. site, where the archives were. Looking at his illustrations and book covers was enlightening, as well as learning about his influences (early in life, Van Gogh and Aubrey Beardsley...just like me!).
Some of his stippled and cross-hatched ink drawings reminded me of the book cover illustrations I am working on now. I also admired his use of lettering...I was already thinking of doing it but made a mental note that I really should try that out instead of boring typography in InDesign.
It was the best exhibition I've been to in a while, especially because it was almost creepily relevant to thoughts I've been thinking about illustration and things I've been experimenting with.
Hopefully tomorrow or the next day I can post some work-in-progress things. I'm planning on going to another gallery tomorrow since I'll be in South London and then I'm going with some friends and fellow classmates to the Graphic Arts fair on Wednesday at Somerset House. Keeping busy this Spring Break...
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